My book is out!

​​So I wrote a book ... why?
Because I want to equip you with the knowledge and tools to coach yourself so you can demonstrate leadership as a way of being - at work and everywhere else in life.
My mission in life is to help others get out of their own way so they can shine. Hell, if I can do it, anyone can.​ I was great at getting in my own way. I was a driven maniac, super sensitive and had ridiculously high standards, which led me to be hyper critical of myself and others. These were actually overplayed strengths. Drive gets things done. Sensitivity gave me great radar with human dynamics. High standards equal great work. And even being critical was a gift when it came to bulletproofing strategy. But matching my impact with my intention - whoa. Not easy.
I was lucky enough to have many executive coaches and pursued therapy as well (Brené Brown says she’s never met a great leader who hasn’t had a coach and/or a therapist. Yay me). But not everyone has access to such help. Leading others is way easier than managing our own self.
After various aha’s from all the introspection and long after the coaches had departed, my continued transformation was based on learning about vertical development – expanding one’s mind by reaching new levels of consciousness – as well learning how to coach myself. My goal is to help you tune into what's deeply true for you and deal with your own dragons.
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What's the dragon within?
It's a cocktail of the inner critic, limiting beliefs, habit of mind and go-to behaviours. I've never met a coaching client who doesn't have a dragon (or three). ​My new book will help you embody leadership as a way of being
(at work and elsewhere), expand your consciousness beyond "me" to "we",
and enlist your higher self as an ally in coaching yourself.​
The DRAGONS self-coaching model and reflective questions throughout
the book will help you release what's no longer serving you so
you can realize your potential and help others shine too.
Learn how to release the grip of your inner critic, limiting beliefs and
go-to reactions and behaviours by learning how to coach yourself​
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